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  3. Stride4Life with Educational Impact - LA Big 5K (2020)
  • Stride4Life with Educational Impact - LA Big 5K (2020) logo

    While the definition of “homeless” varies, it often includes those residing in shelters or cars, doubling up with other families or living on the street. Homelessness also has far-reaching consequences on academic achievement: It really undermines a student’s ability to do well in school. Their grades often suffer, and with lower test scores and overall,their chances of graduating are slimmer. They can barely escape their conditions of poverty long enough to complete their degrees. With the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) reporting enrollment of up to 200,000 homeless students by June 30, 2019, LACCD is anticipating a sharp rise in homeless student enrollments at its nine (9) community colleges.

    In this midst of the housing crisis experienced by thousands of people in Los Angeles County,the Los Angeles Community College District has partnered up with the Los Angeles Marathon “Run for Charity” Program to fight student homelessness.Together, we will work to provide stability to homeless students in a time of stress and transition and for those who do not have a permanent home to live in, we will help them to achieve education success so they can break the cycle of homelessness and poverty. Your financial support will provide food vouchers to give to students who lack funds for adequate food and meals.

    What is Stride4Life?   Stride4Life with Educational Impact is a TEAM fundraising event where each college and the district office compete to reach a set fundraising goal to support Student Life Initiatives and Employee Wellness initiatives.

    The Foundation for Los Angeles Community Colleges has been approved once again as an official non-profit charity partner for both the LA Big 5K on Saturday, March 7, 2020, and the LA Marathon and Charity Half- Marathon, taking place on Sunday, March 8, 2020. We are excited to invite our students, our faculty, and our staff, partners and supporters to participate in these fun, exciting, and highly prestigious events and help us provide more wraparound programs to achieve Student success! You can participate as a walker, runner or volunteer! ...or give a donation to our campaigns. Your participation will help us to compete in these events consisting of 140 or more runners, walkers, and wheelchair cyclists– of all age groups: Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen-Xers, Y's and Z's from our 9 colleges and our district office. We're building a healthy, productive, and skilled workforce for our city, our state, and our nation – and – we need your partnership to accomplish it.  SIGNUP TODAY!



    In accordance with Article 16, Section 6 of the California State Constitution and the Government Code Section 8314, the Los Angeles Community College District shall not make any gift or authorize the making ofany gift, of any public money, or thing of value to any individual. Therefore,the activities mentioned herein are being made available solely through the donations accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, organizations or other entities from which outright gifts and gift commitments have been provided to The Foundation for the Los Angeles Community Colleges, a 501(c)3nonprofit entity, which is an official charity partner of the 2020 Los Angeles Marathon and Big5K events presented by ASICS.



  • $8,244

    raised of $10,000 goal


  • Location / Venue

Host Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

  • AFT Local 1521a Staff Guild logo

Our Partners

Our Advocates

  • Health Connexxtions Expos logo
  • Providence Health & Services logo
  • Vision Service Plan (VSP) logo
Foundation for the Los Angeles Community Colleges logo
In Support of Foundation for the Los Angeles Community Colleges
The Foundation for the Los Angeles Community Colleges is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID: 95-4106993.
The Foundation accepts contributions via check, ACH/Wire, credit card, and other methods. To give online via credit card, please use the link above. For other options, please contact Kelly King at kingkc@laccd.edu or 213-891-2376. 

Your fundraising will help with the cost of providing more wraparound services for our students in the following ways.

  • Food — Some student struggle to cover the cost of eating a healthy meal which may compromise their ability to study. In fact 62% of LACCD students reported that have experienced some form of food insecurity due to lack of funds.
  • Housing – in a Hope Lab survey 18% of LACCD students reported that they have experience homelessness. Providing provisional support to cover the cost of housing may help individual students complete their course of study and increase their earning potential.
  • Emergency Costs — Life happens. Sometimes unexpected events occur in the lives of community college students that compromise their ability to continue their education – a flat tire or car repair, medical costs, or a family emergency. A little extra financial help can go along way and make a real difference in helping a student stay in college.
  • Textbooks and basic supplies — this is often the largest student budget item estimated at nearly $1,800 a year. Text book programs help students with basic skills textbooks and allow them to resale the books to be use by other students for up to 3 years.
  • Tools – many courses and disciplines require tools, for example science lab equipment, uniforms for nurses and culinary arts students, construction trade tools, laptops for all disciplines etcetera. Students often need these items as they enter the workforce.
  • Transportation — Community Colleges are commuter campuses. Many students rely upon public transportation. Providing a U-Pass which costs $195 for the semester, relieves the cost barrier for transportation.



Helps keep any one of our students stay enrolled in classes when "life happens" and a family emergency/tragedy occurs.



Helps a homeless student in our one of colleges pay for a textbook/tool needed for class this semester.



Helps our "single mom/dad" student keep his/her utilities on at home for the children.



Buys breakfast/lunch for 4 of our homeless students or students experiencing "food shortages".



Buys breakfast/lunch for at least 1 of our homeless student or student experiencing "food shortages".

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